Multiple Email Addresses


If you didn't already, you should publish the package configuration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YottaHQ\LaravelExtendedAuth\LaravelExtendedAuthServiceProvider" --tag=config

You can find all the configuration in the published config/laravel-extended-auth.php file.

Available configuration options


Default value: \YottaHQ\LaravelExtendedAuth\Models\UserEmailAddress::class

This is the FQN name of the user email address model. If you want to use your own email address model, change this value to your class's FQN.


Default value: false

Whether you want to allow users to set unverified secondary email addresses as their primary email address.


Default value: 60 minutes

The number of minutes the email verification link expires.


Default value:


An array of the middlewares that are required for the email verification url.

If you want to restrict email verification to authenticated users then uncomment the auth middleware or add yours instead.


Default value: false

Set this value to true if you want to allow users to authenticate using any of their email addresses (primary + secondary).

Last updated on December 25, 2022